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Airway Health

Night Guards, Oral Appliances, Orthodontics & Surgery

Airway Health

Night Guards, Oral Appliances, Orthodontics & Surgery

Expertise Dental Airway Health

Airway Health

Airway Health is a passion of ours at Expertise Dental. During your comprehensive exam or hygiene exam if the doctor suspects an airway issue you will be offered an Airway Health screening.

Millions of Americans suffer from undiagnosed sleep problems and breathing issues. A lot of these problems stem from craniofacial growth issues, which if caught early enough in life, we can intercept. The structures of our mouth, palate, tongue and how our jaw bones grow, can show us signs and symptoms of these problems.

If you suspect sleep apnea or other breathing trouble we offer screening and referrals to our group of physicians. We work closely to get a diagnosis and help you on your health journey. Restful sleep is one of the most important things for health, breathing well, and growth.

We can screen your hard and soft tissues to evaluate you. We work with a team of orthodontists, oral surgeons, ENTs and sleep physicians to ensure you receive the best possible care.

How can your dentist help?

Airway Health is where dentistry and medicine overlap. Many Americans suffer from sleep disordered breathing, one of the most common disorders is Obstructive Sleep Apnea. OSA can restrict your ability to breath at times during sleep and significantly affect your cardiovascular system, raising your blood pressure, risk of stroke and heart disease. Airway Health can help address OSA and Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS) and we can screen to let you know if you have a high probability of this issue. We can also screen you for nasal airway issues, that might affect whether you are breathing through your mouth or nose, which can cause other dental issues. We want to help you breathe easier!

What to expect

If you think you might suffer from a sleep disordered breathing issue, we can help. Symptoms are often easily recognized by yourself or your partner- some common symptoms include daytime sleepiness, snoring, frequent morning headaches, pausing or gasping for breath at night, waking up multiple times a night, anxiety, mood disturbances, and fatigue . We will work cooperatively with our team of physicians to determine the correct diagnosis and help you choose the right treatment options for your needs and lifestyle.

Night Guards & Oral Appliances

Night Guards & Oral Appliances

An appliance might be recommended for you – but not one size fits all. We will customize what type of appliance you will need to protect your airway at night. We will always encourage nasal breathing and we will be happy to help you stop snoring by treating or re-training you to breath better.

We will recommend orthodontics and/or surgery as treatment if we feel you will benefit. Why wear a CPAP or mouth appliance forever when there might be a way to treat the root of the problem?

Book a Complimentary Consultation to find out so we can get you started on your wellness journey.

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